» ABOUT US » Background


I-AQUAS offers space and facilities to carry out research in various areas of aquaculture, especially with respect to adequate supply of clean sea water and seeds of various cultured organisms. Aquatic Animal Hatchery Unit under the AquaLab is equipped with various facilities for the larval production of various culture organisms such the larval production of the giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), marine shrimps (Penaeus spp), blue swimmer crab (Portunus Pelagicus), and various types of fish. In addition to the provision of space and equipment for marine aquaculture activities, I-AQUAS is also active in multi-disciplinary R & D, where the cooperation between the expertise of different fields can be realized to further inspire ideas of novel research and innovation.

I-AQUAS has also worked closely with national and international agencies for the development of marine science research and driving the achievements of young Malaysian researchers to the global stage. Through the transfer of knowledge and international cooperation, I-AQUAS is determined to contribute to the development of science and the country’s socio-economy, enhance the image of  Malaysia as an educational hub, as well as boost the aquaculture and aquatic science research in the region. The main objective of I-AQUAS is to encourage cooperation amongst UPM researchers, the government and private entrepreneurs in developing fishery-based foods and products, as well as offering expertise, public knowledge and knowledge based on aquatic sciences to the public.


Updated:: 10/04/2020 [m_fakhrulddin]